TCW Flowery Bouquet 20 Sachets


If the fragrance and charm of a garden could be distilled into a tea,it would be Flowery Bouquet.

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If the fragrance and charm of a garden could be distilled into a tea,it would be Flowery Bouquet. A pink, fragrant brew, Flowery Bouquet blends rose and hibiscus flowers and earthy liquorice roots with the mild flavour of green tea. Savour its delicate sweetness, while its potent antioxidants and Vitamin C leave you in a rosy glow of well-being.

Ingredients: Whole leaf green tea, rose petals, hibiscus petals, liquorice.

Ideal serve: 1 teabag, 200 ml water, 80⁰C, 3 minutes.

Ideal time: Morningto evening.